Raj Kumar Gupta’s latest directorial venture India’s Most Wanted finally hit the theatres yesterday alongside Omung Kumar’s controversial political drama PM Narendra Modi. Starring Arjun Kapoor in the lead, India’s Most Wanted got everyone excited including us with its intriguing trailer. But looks like the action thriller hasn’t lived up to the expectations as it received mixed reviews from the critics and witnessed a very low occupancy during the morning shows on Friday. The situation remained pretty much the same during the evening and night shows, resulting in a not so solid first-day collection. Box Office Report: India's Most Wanted Off to a Dull Start, PM Narendra Modi Witnesses Around 10 to 15% Occupancy
Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to the microblogging site Twitter a while back and announced the figures saying, "#IndiasMostWanted struggles... Records extremely low numbers on Day 1, although biz picked up towards evening... Needs miraculous growth on Day 2 and 3 to salvage the show... Fri ₹ 2.10 cr. India biz."
While the first-day collection of Arjun's film is clearly below average, it's not surprising because the trade pundits had predicted that India's Most Wanted would earn around Rs 2 to 3 crore on the opening day and that's exactly what happened. India’s Most Wanted Movie Review: Arjun Kapoor’s Spy Drama Lacks Both the Frills and the Thrills
With no big hit under his belt in the last two years, it looks like Arjun Kapoor will have to wait a little longer to taste box office success once again. As for Vivek Oberoi starrer PM Narendra Modi, the film witnessed around 10 to 15 % occupancy during the morning shows on Friday, May 24. But the official box office figures for the film are still awaited.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 25, 2019 12:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).