Bollywood's desi girl Priyanka Chopra is once again set to take the global cinema by storm with her next outing - Netflix's We Can Be Superheroes. The actress will be seen in a negative side once again in this Robert Rodriguez's next film. The teaser of the movie had released a few weeks back and was appreciated by one and all. And now, the movie's full trailer has been released. We Can Be Heroes First Look Out! Priyanka Chopra Looks Fierce as a Baddie, Pedro Pascal Looks Convincing as the Superhero; Movie to Air From January 1, 2021 on Netflix.
The trailer sees Priyanka at the helm of doing bad things and kidnapping super heroes while their kids get together to save the world. And from what we see in the trailer, the movie, that is releasing on Netflix, looks pretty interesting. We Can Be Heroes Teaser: It's Priyanka Chopra v/s a Bunch of Little Superheroes in this Robert Rodriguez Movie for Netflix (Watch Video).
Watch the Video Below:
Apart from Priyanka Chopra, We Can Be Heroes also stars Pedro Pascal, Christian Slater, YaYa Gosselin, Akira Akbar, Andrew Diaz, Andy Walken, Boyd Holbrook, Hala Finley, Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Lotus Blossom, Lyon Daniels, Nathan Blair, Sung Kang, Vivien Lyra Blair, Adriana Barraza and Christopher McDonald.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 05, 2020 12:47 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website