One of the much-awaited films this week was American superhero film named Shazam! Based on the DC Comics, the film is based on the character with the same name. The seventh instalment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), is directed by David Sandberg and stars Asher Angel and Zachary Levi. The film revolves around the teenager who has a super-power to turn himself into a superhero who is an adult. So, how has this live-action movie managed to impress the critics? Read the reviews below to decide. Shazam! India Release Date Announced: Zachary Levi's Superhero Film Will Release in English, Hindi, Tamil & Telugu Languages.
Forbes: Shazam! is another step in the DCEU's journey toward winning over mainstream audiences while making longtime DC fans happy. As someone who liked or loved most of the previous DCEU films and wishes we could've seen Zack Snyder's full vision play out, I can also separately judge the new films on their own merits and appreciate that they strike a balance between what came before and a new path toward wider mainstream appreciation and audience expectations for superhero cinema to mix more action-adventure popcorn fun and humor into the serious emotionally resonant stories.
Polygon: Unlike many of its contemporaries, this film has a final stretch that melds humor, pacing, stakes, and real joy in a way that had me grinning like I would never stop. Yes, Shazam! is the holy grail of superhero adaptations when it pulls off an engagingly staged, thrilling, and emotional climax. But even more than that, the movie does right by my good son, Billy Batson, the big brother that every superhero-loving kid needs.
Shazam Trailer:
Variety: “Shazam!,” on the other hand, is just a light, funny, grounded, engagingly unpretentious sleight-of-hand action comedy about a boy in a (super)man’s body. The movie, in other words, is “Big” in tights. And it’s Zachary Levi who makes that work, in much the same way that Tom Hanks did. Levi doesn’t play Billy as a callow kid; quite the contrary, he’s intelligent and jackknife fast. But Billy completely lacks an adult’s sense of guile, and Levi uses that innocent quality to take the superhero stuffing out of the material — and to let Shazam discover his identity in a way that makes this the freshest origin story in some time.
The Guardian: Buoyant and unpretentious, Shazam! aims low and mostly succeeds, a kid-friendly caper powered with enough energy to keep its target audience engaged with a fun central conceit that plays like a cross between Big and Superman. Levi, whose work has mostly graced the small screen from Chuck to the most recent season of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, has a puppyish charm, launching himself into the role with total abandon.
These reviews will surely make a true superhero movie fan go and watch it in the theatres. Are you planning to watch this flick? Tell us in the comments section below.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 24, 2019 03:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website