Quentin Tarantino's critically-acclaimed feature Once Upon a Time in Hollywood will be re-releasing in India on February 14, the studio Sony Pictures Entertainment India announced on Wednesday. Written and directed by Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood earlier released in the country on Independence Day last year. The movie, led by Hollywood superstars Leornado DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, is based on the murder of actor Sharon Tate and three others at the hands of the Manson Family cult. Oscars 2020 Nominations: Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Parasite, The Irishman – Films to Watch Out for at the 92nd Academy Awards.

It features DiCaprio, 45, as Rick Dalton, an ageing, out-of-work actor, with Pitt, 56, playing his longtime stunt double named Cliff Booth. The two characters happen to be the neighbours of Tate, essayed by Margot Robbie in the film. The film also stars Al Pacino, Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, Margaret Qualley, Damian Lewis, Bruce Dern, Emile Hirsch and the late Luke Perry in pivotal roles. Critics’ Choice Awards 2020 Full Winners List: Fleabag, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Take Home Big Honours, Joaquin Phoenix Bags Best Actor. 

At the 2020 Oscars, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" will be vying for 10 Academy Awards, including best picture, best director, best actor for DiCaprio, and best supporting actor for Pitt.