Since the past weeks, you have probably heard terms such as 'social distancing', 'self quarantining' and so on not only in media reports but also social media. They are all a part of the precautionary measures being taken by people across the globe to stray away from Coronavirus. COVID-19 has been officially declared a pandemic by World Health Organisation and countries such as Italy are currently on lockdown to contain the spread of Coronavirus. Several countries are now suggesting work from home for their employees and with spaces that allow public gatherings such as cinema halls, malls are currently under a shutdown. Quarantining oneself to stay safe in the current circumstances is important but who said it means you can't have some fun?Quarantine And Chill: James Gunn Lists Down 10 Underrated Movies To Watch During Social Distancing Due To COVID-19.

Isolation need not be boring and luckily given that we are blessed with the gift of streaming platforms, this COVID-19 safety measure could turn out to be the much-needed break to help rewatch your favourite films. Has it been years since you indulged yourself in a movie marathon? Well, there couldn't be a better time. There are little pleasures like that of enjoying your favourite films in the comfort of your home. So to keep yourself safe yet entertained, slip into your most comfy clothes, microwave a hot bag of popcorn, cosy under that blanket (by yourself!) and park yourself there for some back to back films! Here are my recommendations for treating yourself to a movie marathon.

1. Star Wars

We bet the COVID-19 scare is making you wish if you were 'galaxy far far away' and the least you can do about it is travel there cinematically. Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises and for fans, this could be an early celebration of May 4 (Star Wars day!). If you haven't watched any of the Star Wars films, this could be a good time to introduce yourself to it. You can stream all films in the franchise up to Stars Wars: The Last Jedi (Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker is yet to be out on streaming platforms) on Hotstar.

No of Films: 8

Star Wars still (Photo Credits: Twitter)
Star Wars still (Photo Credits: Twitter)

2. The Godfather

We are making you an offer you can't refuse! We bet anything that would have been playing in the theatres if they weren't shut would be as good as The Godfather trilogy. With stalwarts like Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino and Robert Duvall coming together for the film and that too under Francis Ford Coppola's direction is unmissable. For those who have watched, they surely need no convincing and for those who haven't, I'll just say,

'Leave the COVID-19 Scare, Take the Movie Leap'! You can stream all the trilogy on Amazon Prime.

No of Films: 3

The Godfather
The Godfather (Photo Credits: Twitter)

3. Marvel Movies

There really isn't a time or atmosphere needed to enjoy Marvel films. This is a journey that we bet you are always game for. From Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man to Tom Holland's Spider-Man, relive everyone's induction into S.H.E.I.L.D. The best part is, these films never fail to crack you up with as the Earth's mightiest superheroes bicker and banter. All Marvel films upto Spider-Man: Far From Home are available on Hotstar/Amazon Prime Video.

No Of Films: 23

Avengers poster
Avengers poster (Photo Credits: Twitter)

4. Harry Potter

Dumbledore gave us a great lesson when he said, "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light" in Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban. Given the current situation, we could certainly benefit from Dumbledore's wisdom and a bit magic. The times may be dark outside but you could always pretend to be inside the invisibility cloak of your home and stay away from catching the virus whilst enjoying these films. Again for those who have seen the films and are fans of the books as well, this marathon could be a fun revision for you before you take part into a Harry Potter pub quiz next time. For the first time viewers, it's not Expecto Patronum, it's going to be Expect-to-be-blown-away Patroum for you! The films are available for streaming on Amazon Prime. Frozen 2 Online Streaming Preponed by Three Weeks on Disney Plus to Provide 'Fun and Joy During This Challenging Period'.

No Of Films: 8

Harry Potter
Harry Potter Still (Photo Credits: Twitter)

5. Lord Of The Rings

If you're a fantasy drama fan, there's a good chance you love Lord Of The Rings (probably the books more!). If it's been a while since you got lost in the J. R. R. Tolkien world, this seems like any good a time to revisit it. The advantage of catching this film series all by yourself at home could also mean you can finally practise on getting your Gollum voice right and say "My Precious" probably looking at your sanitizer bottles given the time. The original LOTR trilogy is available on Amazon Prime for streaming.

No Of Films: 3

Lord Of The Rings Still (Photo Credits: Twitter)
Lord Of The Rings Still (Photo Credits: Twitter)

6. Indiana Jones

All you Harrison Ford appreciation society peeps, if you haven't watched Ford in Indiana Jones, you haven't loved him enough. Yes! The actor is amazing as Han Solo in the Star Wars series but he's equally kickass as Dr Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones, Jr a fictional professor of archaeology. Under Steven Spielberg's direction, these films are no short of epic and once you get hooked to them, you ought to become a fan. Even as you are quarantined to your home, your thirst for adventure will be quenched with these epic films for sure. It'll be great if you hop onto the Indiana Jones wagon on time considering a fifth film is already in the works. The films are available on Prime Video

No Of Films: 4

Indiana Jones Still
Indiana Jones Still (Photo Credits: Twitter)

7. Batman (Christopher Nolan)

Not talking about the DC universe here but only Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. For most of us, there won't be a Batman as perfect as Christian Bale and we'll forever be thankful to Nolan for making that happen. Bale's films including Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises are all brilliant with Nolan's taut direction and some incredible performances by Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman and Michael Caine. Let Ledger's "Why So Serious" haunt you a bit. This Batman trilogy is available on Prime Video and Netflix

No Of Films: 3

Christian Bale in Batman
Christian Bale in Batman (Photo Credits: Twitter)

8. Toy Story

If you are too tired to catch on fantasy drama filled with action and want to go for something light, why not catch up on Pixar's most-loved animated franchise, Toy Story. Sway to Randy Newman's "You've Got A Friend In Me" as you hop on to the adventures of Woody (Tom Hanks), Mr Potato Head (Don Rickles) and others. Even though Toy Story 4 isn't yet available for streaming, the first three films can be equally joyous to catch. The films are available for streaming on Hotstar.

No Of Films: 3

Toy Story still
Toy Story still (Photo Credits: Twitter)

We hope you make the most of this 'social distancing' phase by catching up on some of the greatest franchise films. We'd love to hear your favourite films to hold movie marathons in comments below. Stay indoors, stay safe!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 16, 2020 08:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website