Actor Pierce Brosnan has maintained he did no wrong while hiking in Yellowstone's hot springs. In December, the actor was cited in Wyoming after allegedly entering protected thermal areas of Yellowstone National Park. A seemingly since-deleted photo of the actor standing on a white crust that resembles some of the park's thermal attractions surfaced last month, reports People magazine. TMZ had shared the since deleted picture. James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Faces Charges for Trespassing In Restricted Yellowstone Area, USA.

Earlier this month, Brosnan pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, per an additional court document, accessed by People. According to a criminal docket filed in the US District Court in Wyoming in December, the James Bond actor received citations for travelling by foot “in all thermal areas and within Yellowstone Canyon confined to trails" and “violating closures and use limits” on November 1. As per People, both citations are listed as petty offences. The thermal areas within the park include hot springs, geysers, mudpots, travertine terraces and fumaroles, per Yellowstone National Park’s official site. James Bond Star Pierce Brosnan Faces Trespassing Charges in Yellowstone National Park- Read Details Inside.

Yellowstone visitors must respect multiple safety rules around the thermal areas. The park warns that the ground below the thermal areas “may be only a thin crust above boiling hot springs,” and there is no confirmation whether or not the area is safe. Additionally, park-goers must stay on the established walking pathways because the “pools are acidic enough to burn through boots”.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 18, 2024 03:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website