Paris Hilton Comes In Supports Of Friend Britney Spears Amid Free Britney Movement, Says ‘Its Not Fair That She Has No Control of Her Life’

American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her friendship with Britney Spears and shared her thoughts on the singer's ongoing conservatorship. According to People Magazine, during a recent appearance on SiriusXM's Radio Andy, the 39-year-old former reality star shared about Spears after being asked by host Andy Cohen if the two pals had seen each other recently.


Paris Hilton Comes In Supports Of Friend Britney Spears Amid Free Britney Movement, Says ‘Its Not Fair That She Has No Control of Her Life’

American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her friendship with Britney Spears and shared her thoughts on the singer's ongoing conservatorship. According to People Magazine, during a recent appearance on SiriusXM's Radio Andy, the 39-year-old former reality star shared about Spears after being asked by host Andy Cohen if the two pals had seen each other recently.

Hollywood ANI|
Paris Hilton Comes In Supports Of Friend Britney Spears Amid Free Britney Movement, Says ‘Its Not Fair That She Has No Control of Her Life’
Paris Hilton and Britney Spears (Photo Credits: Twitter)

American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her friendship with Britney Spears and shared her thoughts on the singer's ongoing conservatorship. According to People Magazine, during a recent appearance on SiriusXM's Radio Andy, the 39-year-old former reality star shared about Spears after being asked by host Andy Cohen if the two pals had seen each other recently. Hilton said of the 'Toxic' singer, "I saw her this summer. We've had dinners, I saw her in Malibu." She continued, "I just love her so much. I feel like if you are an adult, you should be able to live your life and not be controlled." #FreeBritney: Diet Prada Joins Fan Led Movement Against Britney Spears’ Conservatorship

Hiltons said while talking about Spears' conservatorship, "I think that maybe stems from me being controlled so much so I can understand how that would feel and I can't imagine right now if that was still happening to me. After just working your whole life and working so hard, she's this icon, and I just feel like she has no control of her life whatsoever and I just don't think that's fair." The 53-year-old radio host Cohen then asked Hilton if the drama surrounding her conservatorship is "something that you talk to her about as a friend," to which she replied she doesn't. Elvis: Tom Hanks to Resume Shoot for Legendary Singer’s Biopic in Australia from September 23

The 'House of Wax' star Hilton said, "No, I don't like bringing things up like that. She is so sweet and so innocent and such a nice girl. We just talk about happy things. Music, fashion ... fun things." She added: "I never like to bring up negative things and make people feel ncomfortable, so I've never talked about it with her." As per People Magazine, Britney's conservatorship was first placed in 2008 with her father, Jamie Spears, being named the permanent conservator of her affairs and attorney Andrew Wallet the permanent co-conservator of her estate. After Jamie stepped down due to health reasons in September 2019, Jodi Montgomery was named temporary conservator.

Britney was placed under the conservatorship after several public mental breakdowns, and since then, the courts have continued to rule that she's not capable of making decisions about her finances and health care. The 'Criminal' singer's more-than-decade long conservatorship was also recently prolonged on August 19 to February 1, 2021, after a May hearing was previously extended due to the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Paris Hilton Comes In Supports Of Friend Britney Spears Amid Free Britney Movement, Says ‘Its Not Fair That She Has No Control of Her Life’

American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her friendship with Britney Spears and shared her thoughts on the singer's ongoing conservatorship. According to People Magazine, during a recent appearance on SiriusXM's Radio Andy, the 39-year-old former reality star shared about Spears after being asked by host Andy Cohen if the two pals had seen each other recently.

Hollywood ANI|
Paris Hilton Comes In Supports Of Friend Britney Spears Amid Free Britney Movement, Says ‘Its Not Fair That She Has No Control of Her Life’
Paris Hilton and Britney Spears (Photo Credits: Twitter)

American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her friendship with Britney Spears and shared her thoughts on the singer's ongoing conservatorship. According to People Magazine, during a recent appearance on SiriusXM's Radio Andy, the 39-year-old former reality star shared about Spears after being asked by host Andy Cohen if the two pals had seen each other recently. Hilton said of the 'Toxic' singer, "I saw her this summer. We've had dinners, I saw her in Malibu." She continued, "I just love her so much. I feel like if you are an adult, you should be able to live your life and not be controlled." #FreeBritney: Diet Prada Joins Fan Led Movement Against Britney Spears’ Conservatorship

Hiltons said while talking about Spears' conservatorship, "I think that maybe stems from me being controlled so much so I can understand how that would feel and I can't imagine right now if that was still happening to me. After just working your whole life and working so hard, she's this icon, and I just feel like she has no control of her life whatsoever and I just don't think that's fair." The 53-year-old radio host Cohen then asked Hilton if the drama surrounding her conservatorship is "something that you talk to her about as a friend," to which she replied she doesn't. Elvis: Tom Hanks to Resume Shoot for Legendary Singer’s Biopic in Australia from September 23

The 'House of Wax' star Hilton said, "No, I don't like bringing things up like that. She is so sweet and so innocent and such a nice girl. We just talk about happy things. Music, fashion ... fun things." She added: "I never like to bring up negative things and make people feel ncomfortable, so I've never talked about it with her." As per People Magazine, Britney's conservatorship was first placed in 2008 with her father, Jamie Spears, being named the permanent conservator of her affairs and attorney Andrew Wallet the permanent co-conservator of her estate. After Jamie stepped down due to health reasons in September 2019, Jodi Montgomery was named temporary conservator.

Britney was placed under the conservatorship after several public mental breakdowns, and since then, the courts have continued to rule that she's not capable of making decisions about her finances and health care. The 'Criminal' singer's more-than-decade long conservatorship was also recently prolonged on August 19 to February 1, 2021, after a May hearing was previously extended due to the novel coronavirus outbreak.

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Paris Hilton Opens Up About Surrogacy, Says 'It Was a Difficult Decision to Make'

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