Putting rumoured tensions between her and Selena Gomez behind, Hailey Bieber showed support to the singer and her best friends. On Monday, Bieber and Gomez's friend Raquelle Stevens announced the launch of her Vodcast 'Giving Back Generation' on Instagram alongside a picture of her BFFs including Gomez, Courtney Lopez and Ashley Cook, who are a part of the new venture."So excited that Episode 1 of my latest series Giving Back Generation is out now! On this episode we talk about what giving looks like through friendship," Raquelle shared with her followers. Hailey Bieber Struggled to Cope With Runway Modelling As Supermodel Gal Pals Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner Achieved Greater Success.
Raquelle's Instagram post that has received over 10,000 "likes," included one from Hailey as well. The move comes almost a year when Bieber sparked a bit of social media frenzy after she accidentally followed a Selena Gomez fan account, reported E! News."Hey followed u by accident so sorry!" Bieber explained in a message to the account owner in Nov. 2018. It is widely known that Justin Bieber and Selena dated on and off for many years, before their final breakup in March 2018. Normani and Hailey Bieber Are Bringing Back the Exposed Thong Trend; and We’re Living for It!
Selena Gomez’s Vodcast Series: Giving Back Generation
A few months later, the 'Sorry' singer was spotted spending time with Hailey, who he later married in September 2018. The duo recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary together, reported the outlet. Over the summer, Selena removed all traces of Justin from her Instagram, specifically a birthday tribute she posted shortly before their split.
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