Dustin Hoffman is a veteran Hollywood actor who has had dozen of iconic roles to his name. Mostly known for portraying anti-heroes and emotionally vulnerable characters, Hoffman has received industry praise from so many actors. Hoffman even left such a lasting impression on Robert De Niro that the Taxi Driver actor described him as "an actor with the everyman's face who embodied the heartbreakingly human". Robert De Niro Birthday Special: 7 Underrated Films of The Actor Par Excellence That You Need to Check Out Right Now!

Hoffman has had some really layered and deep characters that after watching them always leave a lasting impression on you. So to celebrate his 84th birthday, we are taking a look at 10 of Dustin Hoffman’s best movie quotes.


Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

I Heart Huckabees

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)


Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)


Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

Billy Bathgate

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

The Graduate

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

Kung Fu Panda 3

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)


Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

Midnight Cowboy

Dustin Hoffman Movie Quote (Photo Credit: LatestLY)

We wish Dustin Hoffman a very Happy Birthday and you can see him next in As Sick As They Made Us.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 08, 2021 09:21 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).