Adele Ends Four-Month Sobriety Stint, Plans to Toast Vegas Residency with Red Wine Despite the Consequences

Adele, after four months of sobriety as part of her lifestyle overhaul, plans to break her alcohol ban to celebrate the end of her Las Vegas residency. Despite anticipating headaches from red wine, she expresses frustration at falling ill and missing the opportunity to enjoy a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape.

Hollywood IANS|
Adele Ends Four-Month Sobriety Stint, Plans to Toast Vegas Residency with Red Wine Despite the Consequences
Adele (Photo Credit: X)

Singer-songwriter Adele is ending her self-imposed alcohol ban. The "Chasing Pavements" singer, 35, has been four months sober as part of her ongoing diet and lifestyle overhaul that has seen her lose seven stone, but says she is planning to toast wrapping up the second leg of her residency at The Colosseum Caesar Palace in Las Vegas with an expensive wine, even though it gives her shocking headaches. Adele Reacts to a Fan’s Marriage Proposal, Singer Says ‘I Am Straight You Can’t Marry Me Love’.

The mum-of-one told fans in Sin City about being annoyed she will have to delay her celebration as she’s ill, reports Female First UK. According to The Sun, she said: “I’m just going to chill. I’m annoyed as well that I’m sick because this is red wine weather. I stopped drinking, but obviously now I’m ready to start again because it is my break. And I can’t drink red wine ever when I’m singing because I don’t know about you, but red wine f**** me up. I cannot handle it.”

"I’m a white wine girl, but not straight. But I can’t eat white wine anymore. I’m 35 going on 85. I have to have half and half. Half sparkling water and half white wine with ice. And I still get f*****. But a glass of red wine tips me over the edge. I have the worst hangover, my whole mouth and tongue turns red. I look like a disaster and it just gets rid of my voice. So I was planning on drinking a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape this week, but now I can’t because I am sick," she added. Adele Opens Up About Skin Condition, Says 'It Is Bit Crude And Requires Intensive Treatment'.

As per Female First UK, Adele, who has 11-year-old son Angelo with her ex-husband Simon Konecki, 49, is suffering from a chesty cold, fever and illness. Last month she told her fans about her boozing: "I was literally borderline alcoholic for quite a lot of my twenties, but I miss it so much. I cut out caffeine." She added to a fan who had been drinking all day: "So enjoy your whiskey sour. I’m very, very jealous."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 09, 2023 10:01 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Adele Ends Four-Month Sobriety Stint, Plans to Toast Vegas Residency with Red Wine Despite the Consequences

Adele, after four months of sobriety as part of her lifestyle overhaul, plans to break her alcohol ban to celebrate the end of her Las Vegas residency. Despite anticipating headaches from red wine, she expresses frustration at falling ill and missing the opportunity to enjoy a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape.

Hollywood IANS|
Adele Ends Four-Month Sobriety Stint, Plans to Toast Vegas Residency with Red Wine Despite the Consequences
Adele (Photo Credit: X)

Singer-songwriter Adele is ending her self-imposed alcohol ban. The "Chasing Pavements" singer, 35, has been four months sober as part of her ongoing diet and lifestyle overhaul that has seen her lose seven stone, but says she is planning to toast wrapping up the second leg of her residency at The Colosseum Caesar Palace in Las Vegas with an expensive wine, even though it gives her shocking headaches. Adele Reacts to a Fan’s Marriage Proposal, Singer Says ‘I Am Straight You Can’t Marry Me Love’.

The mum-of-one told fans in Sin City about being annoyed she will have to delay her celebration as she’s ill, reports Female First UK. According to The Sun, she said: “I’m just going to chill. I’m annoyed as well that I’m sick because this is red wine weather. I stopped drinking, but obviously now I’m ready to start again because it is my break. And I can’t drink red wine ever when I’m singing because I don’t know about you, but red wine f**** me up. I cannot handle it.”

"I’m a white wine girl, but not straight. But I can’t eat white wine anymore. I’m 35 going on 85. I have to have half and half. Half sparkling water and half white wine with ice. And I still get f*****. But a glass of red wine tips me over the edge. I have the worst hangover, my whole mouth and tongue turns red. I look like a disaster and it just gets rid of my voice. So I was planning on drinking a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape this week, but now I can’t because I am sick," she added. Adele Opens Up About Skin Condition, Says 'It Is Bit Crude And Requires Intensive Treatment'.

As per Female First UK, Adele, who has 11-year-old son Angelo with her ex-husband Simon Konecki, 49, is suffering from a chesty cold, fever and illness. Last month she told her fans about her boozing: "I was literally borderline alcoholic for quite a lot of my twenties, but I miss it so much. I cut out caffeine." She added to a fan who had been drinking all day: "So enjoy your whiskey sour. I’m very, very jealous."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 09, 2023 10:01 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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YouTube Blocks Songs of Adele, Nirvana, Kendrick Lamar, Bob Dylan and More Over Dispute With SESAC; Check Details

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