A 45-year-old woman based in Kerala has alleged that popular singer Anuradha Paudwal is her biological mother. No, this is not the plot of a Bollywood film or an Ekta Kapoor serial, this claim has actually been made. The woman named Karmala Modex has alleged that Anuradha gave birth to her in 1974 but gave her up only after four days to pursue her career in singing. As per a report by Indian Express, Modex added that she was adopted by Ponnachan and Agnes. Anuradha Paudwal Birthday: These Devotional Diwali Songs by Iconic Singer Are a Must Listen on Festival of Lights.

“About four-five years ago, my foster father Ponnachan confessed on his deathbed that my biological mother was actually Anuradha Paudwal. I was told that I was four days old when I was handed over to my foster parents. Ponnachan, who was posted in the Army in Maharashtra at the time, was friends with Anuradha. Later, he got a transfer to Kerala,” Karmala told indianexpress.com in a telephonic conversation.

Karmala added that even Agens was unaware about the identity of her biological mother. Although, Agnes, 82-years-old suffers from Alzheimer and is bed-ridden.

Karmala said that she tried contacting Anuradha post the revelation several times but all attempts were futile. She wants to pursue the matter legally now. Karmala’s advocate Anil Prasad has said that the district family court in Thiruvananthapuram has asked Anuradha and her two children to appear in person on January 27 when the case comes up for hearing.

Karmala seeks a compensation of Rs 50 crore from her alleged biological parents. She is even ready to go under a DNA test.

This won't be the first time, someone out of the blue as alleged that a certain celeb from the industry is related to them. In 2017, Dhanush won a case against an aged couple who claimed that he was their biological son. The case was filed by the couple in the Madurai bench of the Madras High Court asking for a maintenance of Rs 65,000 per month from Dhanush.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 02, 2020 09:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).