Karan Johar's much-awaited production venture Student Of The Year 2 is hitting the screens tomorrow, May 10. Starring Tiger Shroff in the lead, the film will mark the debut of two new faces in Bollywood - Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria. Apart from these three students, we'll also get to see Aditya Seal in the movie playing the role of an antagonist. So far, the film has managed to create a decent pre-release buzz with its trailer and songs. The fact that KJo is launching two actresses is another reason why there is excitement for the film amongst the fans. Also, Tiger in a very short span of time has managed to build his own fandom and they are certainly looking forward to SOTY 2. Student of the Year 2 Movie: Review, Cast, Box Office Collection, Budget, Story, Trailer, Music of Tiger Shroff, Tara Sutaria and Ananya Pandey Film.
But will all these factors help the film in taking a good opening at the box office? Will Student Of The Year 2 perform well despite facing competition from Avengers: Endgame at the ticket windows? Well, as per trade pundits, SOTY 2 will witness a good opening of around Rs 10 to 12 crore. The figure can even go up to Rs 15 crore if the film garners good reviews from the critics and the audience during the morning shows.
As for Endgame, the Hollywood biggie has been in theatres for almost two weeks now and has already raked in a maximum amount of money. So while it will continue to draw the audience to the cinema halls, the Marvel superhero film won't really affect the business of Tiger starrer. Whatever happens to KJo's film at the box office will be purely based on how the film is perceived by the masses. Since the major target audience of the movie is the youth, its very much likely that the film will do good business at least in the first three days. Student of the Year 2 Song Jatt Ludhiyane Da: Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria’s Sizzling Chemistry Will Win Your Hearts (Watch Video)
Apart from SOTY 2, which is directed by Punit Malhotra, another Hollywood film release tomorrow and its Pokémon Detective Pikachu featuring Ryan Reynolds. The film has gained a lot of traction across the globe but not so much in India. So team SOTY 2 won't have to worry about facing stiff competition from the live-action animated film.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 09, 2019 06:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).