Last night, the whole nation got together to light lamps, diyas, candles on the request of PM Narendra Modi to spread hope during troubled times. Bollywood celebrities too joined in and we found Ranveer Singh's post the cutest of all. He posted a picture of himself with Deepika Padukone holding a candle that lights up their faces just right. While we marvelled at the way this picture was taken, fans got down to the more pressing question. They all wanted to know who is clicking these pictures for them. COVID-19 Outbreak: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Pledge to Donate to the PM-CARES Fund

Now, can you blame them for asking this question? Just look at their pictures. It's so perfectly done. Many have commented pondering did they lock in their photographer along with them. Some comments are just hilarious. Check them all here...

Photo Credit: Instagram

Who edits?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Is the photographer with you?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Dude...who clicked this?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Abhi to bata kaun nikala?

Photo Credit: InstagramRanveer and Deepika are spending their lockdown time having a gala time. While the actress is cooking up amazingly yum-looking dishes in the kitchen, Ranveer is eating them all up. All their posts do make you miss a certain someone in your life. But we have to give it to these people who are noticing amazing things in celebs' pictures during this time. We wonder if Deepika and Ranveer will answer these questions!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 06, 2020 01:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website