Bollywood star couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh on Sunday became parents to their first child, a baby girl. The duo, who have co-starred in films such as Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani and 83, welcomed the baby a day after Deepika was admitted to a private hospital in Mumbai. They announced the news in a joint Instagram post. "Welcome Baby Girl! 8.9.2024," it read. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Become Proud Parents to a Baby Girl, Fans Go Wild With Excitement!

The actor duo was photographed offering prayers at the Siddhivinayak Temple on the eve of Ganesh Chaturthi on Friday. Deepika, 38, and Ranveer, 39, tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony in 2018 at Lake Como, Italy. They announced Deepika's pregnancy in February. New Parents Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Joyfully Announce Arrival of Their Baby Girl, Alia Bhatt Reacts.

DeepVeer's Post

Earlier this year, reports that the actor is expecting her first child started doing social media rounds when she was photographed covering her midsection at the 77th BAFTA awards which she attended as a presenter. Deepika and Ranveer will next be seen in a special appearance in the Rohit Shetty-directed Singham Again, headlined by Ajay Devgn. It is scheduled for a Diwali release.