Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder who barged into his Satguru Sharan luxury apartments, in Mumbai, on January 16 at 2:30 am. The actor has undergone surgery at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital and is currently stable. Well-wishers have reached out to Saif, and many have expressed concerns about the safety of families residing in Mumbai's Bandra area. Karishma Tanna, the actor's neighbour and friend of Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan, spoke out about the shocking incident. Tanna urges for better security for all standalone buildings in Bandra and said that Saif's incident is a 'wake-up' call. Saif Ali Khan Attacked at Home: Where Is the Bandra Residence of Bollywood Actor? Know All About Satguru Sharan Luxury Apartments in the Heart of Mumbai.

Karishma Tanna Demands Improved Security in Bandra Post Saif Ali Khan Attack

Karishma told The Times Of India, “It’s a crazy scene outside as I am talking to you… there are a lot of cops and media downstairs. The whole incident is a wakeup call for a lot of stand along buildings in Bandra. I have been telling everybody in my cooperative housing society for over a year or even more to increase the security. The watchmen I feel need to be properly trained. They are not reliable in case of such incidents. If a burglar barges in your building, the watchmen are not trained enough to tackle the situation. How will a family handle such a situation? It’s very scary.” ‘Safe Residential Area Has Become Rampant’: Raveena Tandon Voices Concern Over Rising Crimes in Bandra Following Saif Ali Khan’s Attack

The actress emphasises that it's about time the security of residential buildings in a bustling city like Mumbai becomes a major concern and top priority. “I hope people learn from this incident. Whatever happened to this family nobody deserves it. I am sure even my building will tighten the security now and have more guards on board."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2025 04:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website