BJP MLA Nandkishor Gurjar is continuing with his rant against Anushka Sharma for producing her recent series, Paatal Lok. He earlier filed an FIR against the actress for allegedly using his picture in her series without permission. Later, he also wrote a letter to Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javdekar, seeking a ban on Paatal Lok's streaming on Amazon Prime. Further, he accused the actress of sedition and also suggested that Virat Kohli should divorce her. Paatal Lok: BJP MLA Nandkishore Gurjar Files Complaint Against Anushka Sharma For Using His Picture Without Permission.

In his recent interaction with Newsroom Post, MLA Nandkishor Gurjar demanded that Virat should divorce Anushka Sharma for producing a series like Paatal Lok. "Virat Kohli desh bhakt hai, desh k liye khele hai. Anushka ko talak de dena chahiye” he said while reacting to his allegation. Gurjar has also filed a complaint against the producer under the National Security Act for allegedly causing a communal stir.

Check Out his Statement

This is not the only controversy that the show has been embroiled in. Earlier the makers were sent a legal notice for allegedly using a casteist slur in her show. Viren Sri Gurung, a member of the Lawyers Guild has sent a legal notice to Anushka and her brother Karnesh Sharma who have backed the show under their banner Clean Slate Films.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 27, 2020 03:53 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website