Filmmaker Rohit Shetty has been trending on Twitter since Friday morning but for all the wrong reasons. Rohit Shetty's name started to trend after netizens learnt that the car carrying Kanpur-based gangster Vikas Dubey had overturned after skidding on the road due to heavy rain on Friday morning and he was allegedly killed in a police encounter as he tried to escape. Rohit Shetty is one Bollywood director who is known for his fascination with flying cars. Not just this, cars blasting or overturning are a common stunt in his genre of cinema. Films like the "Golmaal" franchise, "Singham", "Chennai Express", "Dilwale" and "Simmba" bear testimony to this. Manoj Bajpayee Denies Playing Vikas Dubey on Screen After Producer Sandiip Kapur Pitches a Movie on Twitter

Hence, soon after netizens learnt about Vikas Dubey's car getting overturned due to rain, they could easily relate it with a Rohit Shetty script! As a result, throughout Friday, Rohit Shetty's name trended on Twitter as memes and jokes targeted at the filmmaker went viral. "When Rohit Shetty heard 'fake encounter' aur gaadi palat gayi (and the car overturned) #FakeEncounter," tweeted a user along with a photo of the filmmaker. "Rohit Shetty just CopyRight Claim to #UPPolice -for stealing his movie script," joked another user. Vikas Dubey Encounter: Taapsee Pannu Says ‘We Did Not Expect This At All’ And Vishal Dadlani Feels ‘We Are Living In A B-Grade Film’

Rohit Shetty Trending For Wrong Reason

Rohit Shetty Script?

Vikas Dubey Encounter compared to Rohit Shetty Film Scene

Script Credits Please!

Another Hilarious Meme

Another Funny Meme

Copyrights Issue Sorted!

Rohit Shetty to UP Police

"Rohit Shetty is happy that he won't have to pay for the script of his new movie. Time and money saved," announced another user. A section of netizens felt that the death of the gangster would be an ideal script for an imaginary film titled "Singham 3" which they want Rohit Shetty to direct. Similar jokes and sarcastic comments flooded Twitter as Rohit Shetty's name continued to trend. On the work front, Rohit Shetty's next is the action flick "Sooryavanshi" which stars Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif in the lead.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 10, 2020 06:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website