Actor Vijay Varma is the latest celebrity who has tried to find an answer to the viral meme, Rasode mein kaun that. Vijay posted a picture of himself on Instagram. In the image, Vijay is seen sporting a champagne-coloured jacket paired with maroon pants and white T-shirt. To complete his look, he sports aviator sunglasses. "Rasode mein ye tha. (He was in the kitchen)," he captioned the picture. Akshay Kumar Gets Into The Rasode Mei Kaun Tha? Debate With Bear Grylls For Company

The line in question is a dialogue in the the television show "Saath Nibhaana Saathiyaa". In a scene, the show's character Kokilaben asks the question to her daughter-in-law Gopi. A social media user turned the dialogue into a musical rap and since then, the dialogue "Rasode mein kaun tha" has gone viral. Patralekhaa Uses ‘Rasode Mein Kaun Tha’ Meme to Wish Boyfriend Rajkummar Rao on His Birthday (See Pic)

Check Out Vijay Varma's Instagram Post Below:


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Rasode mein ye tha. @reverie.india @shahriyar_adil @eshaangirri

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Vijay will soon be seen in the second season of the web-series "Mirzapur", also featuring Pankaj Tripathi, Divyenndu, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Ali Fazal, and Harshita Shekhar Gaur.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 08, 2020 04:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website