It was just a few days ago when Vijay Raaz was taken into custody after a molestation case was filed against the actor by a fellow crew member. The actor had allegedly molested a colleague on the sets of the under-production film Sherni and in the lobby of the hotel that they were staying in. Raaz, however, got bail on the same day of his arrest and has finally opened up about the whole case. Talking to a leading daily, he said that getting termed as an accuser even without an investigation was a complete shocker for him. Vijay Raaz Arrested for Molesting a Woman During the Film Shoot of Sherni in Madhya Pradesh.
Vijay Raaz told Bombay Times that women’s safety is of prime concern everywhere. He added that he has a 21-year-old daughter, so he understands the gravity of the situation as well. "I am all for an investigation by the authorities. However, to expel me from my work, suspend and terminate my services from my forthcoming films even before any sort of investigation, is shocking. I have no words to express. It’s a very dangerous place to be in," he added.
He further added that his daughter and his old father are answerable to the society and declaring him as a harasser without any investigation was a very wrong step. He said, "I have been working with the same crew for over a year. We play cricket on set. It’s how we are with each other. Yet, when I was told she felt uncomfortable, I apologised. This was in front of the entire crew." Vijay Raaz Granted Bail After He Was Arrested for Molesting a Woman Crew Member on the Sets of Sherni.
He further said, "My apology meant I respect your feelings. But it didn’t mean that I acknowledged the claims made later at the police station. Saying sorry doesn’t always mean that you are wrong. It means you respect someone’s feelings more."
For those of you who don't know, Vijay Raaz was arrested under IPC section 354 (A&D). Ramnagar police acted upon the complaint and arrested the actor on November 4.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 13, 2020 05:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website