Actors Vidyut Jammwal and Nora Fatehi are currently shooting in Baku for their upcoming film Crakk - Jeethegaa Toh Jiyegaa and they surely are having a whale of a time, going by their social media posts. Vidyut took to Instagram, where he shared a boomerang, in which he is seen hilariously photo-bombing Nora. In the clip, Nora is seen pouting at the camera while the action star is seen walking behind her and then smiling as he looks into the camera lens. Khuda Hafiz 2 Star Vidyut Jammwal Surprises Female Fan by Offering Her a Luxury Car Ride on His Aston Martin DB9 (Watch Video).

“The man at the back with watchful eyes is Rockstar Nora’s Bodyguard /Armour Michel Naidu,” he captioned the clip. Nora, an avid user of social media took to Instagram, where she posted the same boomerang and tagged herself and Vidyut as “Crakk.” “No one can tell us we ain't Crakk @mevidyutjammwal,” she captioned the clip. Crakk: Vidyut Jammwal, Arjun Rampal and Jacqueline Fernandez Team Up For Sports Action Film.

Check The Clip Shared By Vidyut And Nora


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Crakk - Jeetega toh Jiyega is an adrenaline rushing extreme sports film, directed by Aditya Dutt, is based on two brothers who are set to perform daring stunts mixed with extreme sports to win. It is written by Sarim Momin and Rehan Khan. It also stars Arjun Rampal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 26, 2023 03:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website