Bollywood actor Vidyut Jammwal has made India proud! Now, you may wonder why are we saying this? As the star has made it to the list of '10 People You Don't Want To Mess With,' courtesy 'The Richest'. FYI, this page brings to you all the interesting facts around the globe at your fingertips. In one of their videos on YouTube dated April 6, the channel has added Vidyut to their listicle praising his martial art skills. The interesting part here is that the curated list also features Russian President Vladimir Putin, Bear Grylls, Shi Yan Ming and more. Indeed, a huge mention for Jammwal. After Vidyut Jammwal Calls Out Disney+ Hotstar, Randeep Hooda’s Response To The Khuda Haafiz Actor Will Make You Smile (View Post)

The list is been made keeping in mind how strong the person is in real life. Also, as soon as this video was shared by Ramesh Bala online, Jammwal was among the top trends on Twitter. Many positive messages from fans started to pour in for the action star. Even a few netizens mentioned how one should boycott nepotism amid Vidyut's this achievement. Vidyut Jammwal Announces His YouTube Channel Along with His Pet Dog (Watch Video)

Check Out The Video Featuring Vidyut Jammwal Below:

And Here A Few Twitter Reactions:


Best Action Hero!



Deadly Combo!

A trained martial arts expert, Vidyut is quite a prominent face from Bollywood. Known for his role in the Commando series, the action entertainer made his debut into Bollywood in the year 2011 with John Abraham starrer Force. Cut straight to 2020, he has Khuda Haafiz releasing on Disney+Hotstar from July 30.

Coming back to Vidyut's latest achievement, we bet, looking at that toned and maintained body, no one wants to mess with him. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 21, 2020 01:17 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website