Mumbai, Jun 7: The post-production work on "Sardar Udham Singh", starring Vicky Kaushal, will begin from Monday, director of the film Shoojit Sircar has announced. A week after Cultural Affairs Ministry, Maharashtra, permitted resumption of shootings for films, teleserials, advertisements, OTT, etc, the filmmaker shared the update on the biopic on the Indian revolutionary on Twitter. Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana’s 'Gulabo Sitabo' Script Accused of Plagiarism, Makers Trash Legal Notice.
"When nature beckoned, We listened... We switched gears, From fast forward to slow motion... Now, there is a call again, An excitement, yet a caution "And a hunger to reboot, With this feeling We begin, again... #SardarUdhamSingh Post production set to #BeginAgain, tomorrow – 8th June," Sircar wrote on Sunday alongside a behind-the-scenes still from the film.
Shoojit Sircar's Tweet:
When nature beckoned,
We listened..We switched gears,
From fast forward to slow motion..
Now, there is a call again,
An excitement, yet a caution
And a hunger to reboot,
With this feeling
We begin, again.. #SardarUdhamSingh
Post production set to #BeginAgain,tomorrow –8th June
— Shoojit Sircar (@ShoojitSircar) June 7, 2020
Issuing a government resolution last week, the ministry said that producers will have to conduct pre-production and post-production works by adhering to the guidelines laid down by the government.
The order stated that social distancing norms will have to be followed strictly with focus on personal hygiene. In a previous interview with PTI, Sircar had said they had barely started the post-production on "Sardar Udham Singh" when nationwide lockdown to contain the coronavirus epidemic was announced on March 24.
"It's a difficult film and it needs a long post-production time," he had said.
The filmmaker is currently looking forward to the worldwide release of his directorial "Gulabo Sitabo", starring Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana, on Amazon Prime Video on June 12.