Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal, who currently has several films in the pipeline, shared some workout motivation with his fans on Wednesday. The 'Manmarziyaan' actor took to his Instagram handle and posted a monochromatic picture of him looking completely focused and determined, along with a motivational caption that read, "One rep at a time. One stride at a time. One swing at a time. Eyes on the (flag emoji)." Vicky Kaushal Enjoys the Horse Riding Session on a Sunny Day, Says ‘Back to Basics’ (Watch Video).

In the picture, Vicky seems to be posing at his gym or a training place, while sporting a loose t-shirt along with a cap. The post from the star received more than two lakh likes within a span of two hours. Saif Ali Khan’s Adipurush to Vicky Kaushal’s The Immortal Ashwatthama, How Indian Epics Ramayan and Mahabharat Inspire Mega Film Projects.

Check Out Vicky Kaushal's Instagram Post Below:


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Meanwhile, on the professional front, Vicky has several projects in his kitty, like 'Sardar Udham Singh', 'The Immortal Ashwatthama', 'Takht', and the biopic on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.