Actor Vicky Kaushal, touted as one of the most talented actors in Bollywood, has garnered a fan following of seven million on Instagram. Vicky took to Instagram, where he shared a photograph of himself giving a flying kiss. In the image, he is seen dressed in an orange hoodie paired with a navy blue baseball cap worn backwards. Vicky Kaushal Has a Quirky Response to Handshakes and High-Fives in the Times of COVID-19 (Watch Video)

"Hope my kisses come flying into your hearts. Parivaaar badh raha hai (family is growing). Shukriya! #7M," he captioned the image, which currently has over 796K likes. Vicky had earlier shared a video of himself from his MMA training and captioned it: "My response to handshakes and high fives." Vicky Kaushal Makes a Post-Lockdown Resolution to Spend More Time With His Family.

Vicky Kaushal Thanks Fans For This Milestone


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Hope my kisses come flying into your hearts. Parivaaar badh raha hai. Shukriya! #7M 🤗😘❤️

A post shared by Vicky Kaushal (@vickykaushal09) on

He even shared a post on how he misses going to film sets and acknowledging the importance of daylight. On the film front, Vicky Kaushal will be seen in "Sardar Udham Singh". He is also acting in Meghna Gulzar's film where he essays the role of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, who was the chief of Indian Army when India fought the Bangladesh Liberation War against Pakistan.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 28, 2020 03:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website