Bollywood star Vicky Kaushal on Wednesday treated fans with a glimpse from his horse riding session. The Masaan actor shared a video on Instagram in which he could be seen riding a horse on a humongous ground. The short clip showcased the Sun in the background with Kaushal sitting easily on the saddle and riding a horse smoothly. The 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' actor captioned this video as, "Walk and trot, back to basics." Vicky Kaushal Shares a Still from Grazia Photo-Shoot; Actor Confesses Being a ‘Pro Procrastinator’ (View Post).
It seems like Kaushal is indulging in the horse riding session in order to prepare for his superhero role in the film 'The Immortal Ashwatthama'. More than 1.7 million fans liked the post on the photo-sharing platform while many chimed into the comments section to laud the actor's dedication to his work. Vicky Kaushal Enjoys the Scenic Sunset on Banks of River Narmada (See Pic).
Check Out Vicky Kaushal's Instagram Post Below:
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Kaushal has been preparing for his upcoming role for a long time. He is putting in long hours at the gym to make sure he gets the physique right.
Kaushal has much-anticipated projects in the pipeline, like 'Sardar Udham Singh', 'The Immortal Ashwatthama' and the biopic on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.