Varun Dhawan is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film with father David Dhawan. The actor took to social media on Thursday, October 17 morning to share a video from the sets of Coolie No 1 where he was seen riding a two-wheeler with David Dhawan. In the video, Varun is seen without a helmet and this has led several Twitter users to point out how the actor wasn't following traffic rules. Sachin Tendulkar Advises Shah Rukh Khan to Wear Helmet But Didn't the Actor Make us Aware Already? (Watch Video).

Although, after seeing the reactions, Varun took to Twitter to share a tweet saying that he was only riding the bike on the sets of the film. "Mera over enthusiastic twitter ke dost mein bike road pe Nahi ek set pe chala raha hoon Woh bhi 12 second ke liye." We bet this must have brought Twitterati some relief knowing that the actor wasn't breaking any rules. We totally get Varun's point and it is clear that he was riding the bike only to shoot the video for a brief amount of time.

Check Out Varun Dhawan's Tweet Here:

Earlier a similar situation had happened when Sachin Tendulkar had tweeted to Shah Rukh Khan asking him to wear a helmet in a video that the star had shared celebrating his 27 years in the industry. Shah Rukh had recreated the song "Koi Na Koi Chahiye" from his film Deewana and was seen on the bike. Shah Rukh had later replied to the Criketer saying, "My friend Helmet pehenkar, On Drive..Off drive & Straight drive, karna aap se zyaada behtar kaun sikha sakta hai! Will tell my grand children, I got my ‘driving’ lessons from the great Sachin himself. See u soon over some fish curry. Thank u. "

As for Varun's upcoming film, Coolie No 1 is all set to release on May 1, 2020. The film also stars Sara Ali Khan in a lead role. It is a remake of the 90s film by director David Dhawan himself.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 17, 2019 01:05 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website