Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt wrapped up the shoot schedule of their upcoming film Kalank in January itself, And now, the duo is seeking blessings from the one and only Thalaiva Rajinikanth because something big is coming soon! Taking to social media, both Alia and Varun shared a pic of their backs where they're seen facing a painting of Rajinikanth on the wall, holding each other's hands. They're both seen wearing funky clothes but they clarified it on Instagram that it isn't something that they're gonna be wearing in Kalank. "Getting ready for our big motion picture experience #KALANK seeking inspiration from the all time great @aliaa08," Varun captioned the pic on Twitter. Kalank: It’s a Wrap for Varun Dhawan! Alia Bhatt Pens a Beautiful Note for the Actor and You Need to Read It – View Pic
So since Alia has written "coming soon" as the caption of her post, we are assuming their first looks from the film are going to be out pretty soon. Well, we're having high hopes from this one for sure! Anyway, you can check out the full pic here- After Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan, Now Sonakshi Sinha Wraps Up for Kalank - See Pic.
Getting ready for our big motion picture experience #KALANK seeking inspiration from the all time great @aliaa08
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) February 6, 2019
In other news, the actress is currently busy with the promotions of Gully Boy with Ranveer Singh. Alia Bhatt, who also has Ayan Mukerji's upcoming film Brahmastra in her kitty, will be seen pairing up with rumoured boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor on the screen for the first time in Mukerji's ambitious project. She has bagged another big project- Sadak 2 which is yet to go on floors.
Meanwhile, Varun has started shooting for Remo D'Souza's dance film, which is touted to be the most expensive dance film that Bollywood has ever seen. The film, which is reportedly being planned in the 4D format, was supposed to be Varun's first collaboration with Katrina Kaif. However, the actress had to opt out owing to date issues and Shraddha Kapoor replaced her. Anyway, are you excited to see Badrinath and his Dulhaniya back on the screen in Kalank again?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 06, 2019 01:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website