Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor, took to her Instagram on Wednesday to share a few videos from her martial arts training session. The actress also hinted at a new endeavour and said that something new is coming for her fans. In the video, Vaani can be seen training to land her kicks properly.  Vaani Kapoor: I Have Never Chosen Films Thinking I Will Win Awards for Them.

Sharing a collective of three videos, the actress wrote in the caption: "Kickstarting something new .. Can I already get a black belt?" Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress will be soon seen in the social-comedy film, titled Sarvagunn Sampanna, which she signed last year.

She will be essaying the role of a woman in the film who fights for her integrity in society.  The film is helmed by Shonali Rattan Deshmukh and started its production in August last year.  Vaani made her acting debut with the romantic comedy film Shuddh Desi Romance, which released in 2013 and also starred Parineeti Chopra and Sushant Singh Rajput. Vaani Kapoor Expresses Her Desire to Create a Fitness Platform For People.

Check The Video Here: 


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The actress was most recently seen in the period film Shamshera which also starred Ranbir Kapoor in dual roles and Sanjay Dutt as the antagonist.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 05, 2023 05:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website