After Ranveer Singh's Simmba, its Vicky Kaushal's Uri: The Surgical Strike that is faring brilliantly at the Indian box office. It's also the first film of 2019 which has not only got cash registers ringing but is also a bonafide superhit. In fact, the military drama is now on its way to surpass the Rs 100 crore mark at the domestic box office. Directed by Aditya Dhar and co-starring Yami Gautam, Paresh Rawal and television actor Mohit Raina, Uri has been in the theatres for nine days now and has already raked in over Rs 90 crore which is phenomenal. Uri: The Surgical Strike Box Office Collection Day 8: Vicky Kaushal's Film Earns Rs 78.54 Crore, Is Racing Towards the Rs 100 Crore Club.

Trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to microblogging site Twitter just a while back and revealed the updated BO figures. He wrote, "#UriTheSurgicalStrike continues to make big noise at the BO... Should cross ₹ 100 cr mark today [Day 10]... Second Sat is higher than first Sat [₹ 12.43 cr] and almost double of second Fri... [Week 2] Fri 7.66 cr, Sat 13.24 cr. Total: ₹ 91.84 cr. India biz. #Uri #HowsTheJosh."

Further, Adarsh tweeted, "#UriTheSurgicalStrike benchmarks...Crossed ₹ 50 cr: Day 5, ₹ 75 cr: Day 8, ₹ 100 cr: Day 10. #Uri is not just the first ₹100 cr film of 2019 [#Hindi language], but also the first BLOCKBUSTER of 2019... #HowsTheJosh."

Though quite a few films, Bollywood and Hollywood, released on Friday, January 18, none of them have managed to pose any threat to Uri at the ticket windows. Interestingly, it's the other way round. The Vicky Kaushal starrer is doing so well at the cinema halls that the new releases are finding it tough to sustain themselves at the box office - be it Emraan Hashmi's Why Cheat India, Arshad Warsi starrer Fraud Saiyaan or Govinda's Rangeela RajaWhy Cheat India Box Office Collection Day 1: Emraan Hashmi Starrer Off to a Dull Start, Rakes in Rs 1.71 Crore.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 20, 2019 01:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website