After releasing on Friday, January 11, Uri: The Surgical Strike has stormed the box office and how. The film may have opened to mixed reviews from the critics but the audience is loving Vicky Kaushal and Yami Gautam's latest offering. And the glowing box office numbers are a testimony to that fact. Directed by Aditya Dhar, the action thriller raked in Rs 8.20 crore on day 1 and then witnessed a jump of 51% on day 2 courtesy the good word of mouth. The film collected Rs 12.43 crore on Saturday, bringing its total two day collection to Rs 20.63 crore which is absolutely phenomenal. Uri - The Surgical Strike Box Office Collection Day 2: Vicky Kaushal's Film Performs Even Better on Saturday, Witnesses 51% Growth.

As expected the upward trend continued on Sunday too and Uri: The Surgical Strike clocked in Rs 15 crore on day 3 according to BollywoodHungama. This means Vicky's film collected over Rs 35 core in the first three days itself.

Also, a report in stated, "Uri has scored well in its first weekend with good collections and a strong trend. The film collected 35 crore nett over the first 3 days and these are big collections for this film especially if we consider face value. The film has scored better in the bigger cities with Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata leading the way. East Punjab is also very strong."Uri Movie Review: Vicky Kaushal's Josh-ila Performance is One Big Reason To Watch This Fallacious War Drama.

While the official figures will be out in a while, we are sure there won't be much  of a difference in the final numbers. They could very well be on the higher side but the total three-day collection definitely won't be below Rs 35 crore. So guess its time for Vicky and team Uri to celebrate the success of their film which is turning out to be the first hit of 2019.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 14, 2019 12:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website