Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar Movie Review: Ranbir Kapoor & Shraddha Kapoor's 'Complicated Love Saga' Is More Gloss, Less Entertainment! (LatestLY Exclusive)

Director Luv Ranjan shows how madness ensues when a 'player' in the world of romantic relationships finds a girl who's a worthy opponent, that believes love is a battle of wits. Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor play the lovebirds who must keep the charm and balance the compliactions!

Bollywood Prathamesh Jadhav|
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar Movie Review: Ranbir Kapoor & Shraddha Kapoor's 'Complicated Love Saga' Is More Gloss, Less Entertainment! (LatestLY Exclusive)
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Review (Photo Credits: T-Series)

Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Movie Review: Director Luv Ranjan, known for hits such as Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, Pyaar Ka Punchnama and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2, delivers a rom-com so complicated and unnecessarily convoluted that you as an audience don't feel at ease while watching the movie unfold, much like the protagonists who don't look convinced when they spout those unwittingly big boring and seemingly never-ending monologues.  Phew! We just said it!! It's a Luv Ranjan universe after all, but when pitted against his own standards, this film disappoints at multiple levels. Ranbir Kapoor Fears That Daughter Raha May Not Recognise Him Clean Shaven

Yes, you get gorgeous love birds in the form of Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor, stunning locations, some crisp lines, and engaging sequences in which the protagonists shine. However, everything appears disjointed and even forced. It's as if the creator is so enamoured with his own creation that he ignores the obvious potholes the size of lunar craters. To be honest, you get so tired of the jhoothi baat and makkar-giri of this irritatingly complicated love saga as an audience that you feel cheated.

There is some smart writing here and there, but it is strictly limited to some crisp dialogue. I wish the creators had put as much time and effort into developing the characters and plot. As a viewer, you're always looking for those proverbial hooks, juicy subplots, and a good story to get invested in. Alas! All you get is Luv Ranjan paying homage to his own films in what appears to be a forced attempt at creating a rom-com that clearly ends up being average fare. Ranbir Kapoor Pokes Fun at BBC Journo Present During Tu Jhooti Main Makkar Event in Chandigarh (Watch Video)

Watch the Trailer of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar:

Micky (Ranbir Kapoor) and Tinny (Shraddha Kapoor) meet at the bachelor's party. Micky is the Richie Ritch of the story and Tinny has a successful job. Tinny, unaware that, in addition to his multiple sources of revenue, Micky is also a break-up Guru who is well supported by his friend Mannu (Anubhav Singh Basi), decides to give Micky her heart. Our love birds meet, fall in love, and decide to marry.

Their respective families are on board. The horoscopes are in sync. Nonetheless, the couples must deal with their existential crisis. As a result, they must separate. But, hey, they have to admit to each other why the hell they're breaking up, right? But, hey, there is love between the two. But, but, but!!! Love, too, requires much-needed space and liberty, don't you think? The narrative is extremely complex, as are the protagonists' minds. By the time you arrive at any concrete conclusion, you've also arrived at the airport, where a typical Bollywood airport scene awaits you!

Frivolous is an understatement for this 160-minute love story. You have no sympathy for the characters. You don't see any love. All you see is a ridiculously complicated "drama" that refuses to let go. At one point, you get the impression that Ranbir's character is bipolar and Shraddha is suffering from schizophrenia—the two simply refuse to get on the same page, and they happily wander around their silly games of love—displaying more manufactured confusion than the complexity of being in love, human, or both.

Given the locations and the love story (if you call it that! ), the first half of the film is frothy, frivolous, and visually stunning. The filmrate Saraswati Puja">Basant Panchami 2025 Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Greetings To Celebrate Saraswati Puja

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    Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar Movie Review: Ranbir Kapoor & Shraddha Kapoor's 'Complicated Love Saga' Is More Gloss, Less Entertainment! (LatestLY Exclusive)

    Director Luv Ranjan shows how madness ensues when a 'player' in the world of romantic relationships finds a girl who's a worthy opponent, that believes love is a battle of wits. Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor play the lovebirds who must keep the charm and balance the compliactions!

    Bollywood Prathamesh Jadhav|
    Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar Movie Review: Ranbir Kapoor & Shraddha Kapoor's 'Complicated Love Saga' Is More Gloss, Less Entertainment! (LatestLY Exclusive)
    Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Review (Photo Credits: T-Series)

    Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Movie Review: Director Luv Ranjan, known for hits such as Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, Pyaar Ka Punchnama and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2, delivers a rom-com so complicated and unnecessarily convoluted that you as an audience don't feel at ease while watching the movie unfold, much like the protagonists who don't look convinced when they spout those unwittingly big boring and seemingly never-ending monologues.  Phew! We just said it!! It's a Luv Ranjan universe after all, but when pitted against his own standards, this film disappoints at multiple levels. Ranbir Kapoor Fears That Daughter Raha May Not Recognise Him Clean Shaven

    Yes, you get gorgeous love birds in the form of Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor, stunning locations, some crisp lines, and engaging sequences in which the protagonists shine. However, everything appears disjointed and even forced. It's as if the creator is so enamoured with his own creation that he ignores the obvious potholes the size of lunar craters. To be honest, you get so tired of the jhoothi baat and makkar-giri of this irritatingly complicated love saga as an audience that you feel cheated.

    There is some smart writing here and there, but it is strictly limited to some crisp dialogue. I wish the creators had put as much time and effort into developing the characters and plot. As a viewer, you're always looking for those proverbial hooks, juicy subplots, and a good story to get invested in. Alas! All you get is Luv Ranjan paying homage to his own films in what appears to be a forced attempt at creating a rom-com that clearly ends up being average fare. Ranbir Kapoor Pokes Fun at BBC Journo Present During Tu Jhooti Main Makkar Event in Chandigarh (Watch Video)

    Watch the Trailer of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar:

    Micky (Ranbir Kapoor) and Tinny (Shraddha Kapoor) meet at the bachelor's party. Micky is the Richie Ritch of the story and Tinny has a successful job. Tinny, unaware that, in addition to his multiple sources of revenue, Micky is also a break-up Guru who is well supported by his friend Mannu (Anubhav Singh Basi), decides to give Micky her heart. Our love birds meet, fall in love, and decide to marry.

    Their respective families are on board. The horoscopes are in sync. Nonetheless, the couples must deal with their existential crisis. As a result, they must separate. But, hey, they have to admit to each other why the hell they're breaking up, right? But, hey, there is love between the two. But, but, but!!! Love, too, requires much-needed space and liberty, don't you think? The narrative is extremely complex, as are the protagonists' minds. By the time you arrive at any concrete conclusion, you've also arrived at the airport, where a typical Bollywood airport scene awaits you!

    Frivolous is an understatement for this 160-minute love story. You have no sympathy for the characters. You don't see any love. All you see is a ridiculously complicated "drama" that refuses to let go. At one point, you get the impression that Ranbir's character is bipolar and Shraddha is suffering from schizophrenia—the two simply refuse to get on the same page, and they happily wander around their silly games of love—displaying more manufactured confusion than the complexity of being in love, human, or both.

    Given the locations and the love story (if you call it that! ), the first half of the film is frothy, frivolous, and visually stunning. The film works in bits and pieces for you, and the entertainment comes largely from some cleverly written lines. Ranbir and Shraddha look stunning (individually, but there's not much chemistry between the lead couple to crow about). The stage is set for drama when two opposing individuals with opposing priorities attempt to enter the realm of commitment and marriage. As a result, the second half is both intense and long. Tere Pyaar Mein and Thumka songs provide some really refreshing breathers.

    In terms of performances, Ranbir is his usual effortless self, but he appears to be stuck between Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani's Bunny (part Bachna Ae Haseeno) and Tamasha's Dev zone. He elevates some scenes with his acting prowess in ways that only he can. Shraddha lights up the screen with her undeniable gorgeousness and plays her part with sincerity. Dimple Kapadia is striking while Basi must hone his acting craft to leave an impact.

    Final Thoughts

    Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar is director Luv Ranjan's weakest film so far, but the frothy romance between Ranbir and Shraddha, along with some crackling lines, make this one a one-time watch!


    (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 08, 2023 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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    Delhi Shocker: Bride’s Father Calls Off Wedding After Groom Dances to Bollywood Song ‘Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai’ With Friends in New Delhi

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