The trailer for Netflix's The Roshans, a tribute to the iconic legacy of Rajesh Roshan, Rakesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan, was unveiled today. During the launch, Hrithik recalled his experience of working alongside Rajinikanth as a child artist in the 1986 film Bhagwaan Dada, produced by his father, Rakesh Roshan. The event featured a nostalgic activity where old photos of the family were shared. One particularly heartwarming childhood photo of Hrithik with Rajinikanth brought back fond memories for him. Read on. ‘The Roshans’ Trailer: Netflix Docuseries Celebrates Legacy of Hrithik Roshan, Rakesh Roshan and Rajesh Roshan; Features Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Other Stars (Watch Video).
Hrithik Roshan on Working With Rajinikanth
Hrithik Roshan reflected that as a child, he didn’t understand the significance of working with a legend like Rajinikanth. He added that if he had the opportunity to share the screen with him today, the experience would be completely different. He also revealed how he used to call him 'Rajini uncle' on set. "I will be very different if today I share screen space with him. I will realise the burden and the weight of the moment that I am sharing screen space with him. But yes, recalling memories of working with him as a child, he was so, so gentle and so, so caring," he said. ‘The Roshans’: Hrithik Roshan, Rakesh Roshan and Rajesh Roshan Share Untold Stories in Upcoming Netflix Documentary (View Poster).
Hrithik Roshan Lauds Rajinikanth
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Watch 'The Roshans' Trailer:
Hrithik also shared a light-hearted memory, revealing how Rajinikanth would take the blame whenever he made a mistake on set during their shooting. "Whenever I messed up a shot, my grandpa used to cut the shot. And Rajni sir used to take the blame. He would say, 'Sorry, sorry, sorry, my fault.' But it was my fault. Every single time I made a mistake. Rajni sir took the blame so that I, that child, would not get conscious.So it was incredible," he added.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 09, 2025 05:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website