Actress Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram to announce that she is off to Jaisalmer for the shoot of her film "Tejas". In the picture, the actress can be seen praying. She also added that she is "distressed" to see the rise in Covid-19 cases everywhere and said that she is praying for the safety of all. In the image, she wears a sari and a necklace. She tied her hair in a bun. Tejas: Kangana Ranaut’s IAF Pilot Look Wearing the Indian Air Force Uniform Unveiled on Her Birthday.

"It was a very short trip home, now leaving for Jaisalmer for #Tejas shoot, distressed to see COVID cases rise everywhere, praying for everyone's well being .... also thank you for all for all the love and kindness bestowed upon #thalaivitrailer," she wrote. Kangana launched the trailer of her upcoming film "Thailaivi" in Mumbai and Chennai on March 23, her birthday. Last week, she was also declared winner of the Best Actress National Award for "Manikarnika" and "Panga". Tejas: Kangana Ranaut Starts Shooting for Her Upcoming Film in Rajasthan (View Post).

Check Out Kangana Ranaut's Tweet Below:

Tejas is directed by debutant Sarvesh Mewara. The film was shot in Delhi before the unit moved to Rajasthan. The actress has been keeping her fans updated with pictures of the shoot on Instagram.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 26, 2021 01:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website