Recently, Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta was spotted at a dandiya event in the city amidst all the #MeToo stories that has hit B-town. The actress was all smiles as she was snapped at the event. The Aashiq Banaya Aapne actress was soaking in the Navratri vibes at the event with her sister Ishita Dutta, Vatsal Seth; She was seen happily posing for the cameras. While she was enjoying the event, her happy, smiling face didn’t go down well with some people. The actress, who shared a picture from the Navratri event, was mercilessly trolled on social media as the haters wrote  mean and nasty comments, critisising the actress for enjoying the Navratri event. Aamir Khan’s Satyamev Jayate Season 4 Kick-Starts With #MeToo Movement? – Deets Inside

As haters gonna hate, but sometimes one needs to show them their place and that's exactly what the actress did. Giving trolls a taste of their own medicine, Tanushree Dutta, in a statement, said, "For all those people offended with and questioning my recent outing for Navratri event I have some words of common sense to share. Why do you expect me or anyone who has spoken out about injustice to just stay at home and sulk? I've never done that and never will. I have been attending events for the last 10 years regularly and looking great and happy is my birthright as a human being."

Here a look at the picture from the Navratri event:


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Navratri celebrations near my home day before #happynavratri Styling courtesy @themissdesignercollection

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After Tanushree Dutta initiated the #MeToo Movement, several women opened up about the gut-wrenching experience of sexual abuse and assault they had been subject to at work, naming their alleged perpetrator. After a series of allegations, prominent names like filmmakers Vikas Bahl and Sajid Khan, lyricist Vairamuthu, actors Nana Patekar, Rajat Kapoor, Subhash Kapoor, Kailash Kher, Mukesh Chhabra and comedy group AIB, Aditi Mittal, singer Raghu Dixit have been named and shamed. Watch this space for further updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 17, 2018 10:17 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website