Ranveer Singh said it on a chat show that he is now on a mission to become the "Best Husband of the Millennium" and we think he already is. The actor, in the same chat show, recently revealed how he stood by Deepika Padukone like a ROCK when she was in depression. Of course it was a sensitive state of mind that she was in and she was vulnerable and going through a cauldron of emotions while she was immersed in depression, he never ever gave up on her. However, he also said that how he felt about it back then and still feels the same. Simmba Box Office Collection Day 19: Ranveer Singh's Film Surpasses Lifetime Collection of Chennai Express, Mints Rs 227.71 Crore.
Speaking to Filmfare, Ranveer said, "Whoever is suffering has to get over it themselves. It has to come from inside." Those are some wise words indeed. He was further questioned if her depression impacted their relationship in any way, to which Ranveer replied saying, "That’s okay. I had made up my mind a long time back that she’s the one for me. So, I was...I was unfazed." Well, don't we all want someone who doesn't give up on us, no matter what? Ladies, find you a man like Ranveer Singh! Shahid Kapoor Will Prefer to Not Work With Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Again?
On the work front, after giving a super hit at the box office- Simmba, Ranveer has now started prepping for Kabir Khan's '83. The film is based on 1993 World Cup that Kapil Dev brought home. Deepika, on the other hand, will start working only in March. Her next project is based on a real- life acid- attack survivor, Laxmi Agarwal and the movie is titled Chhapaak.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 15, 2019 07:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).