Sushant Singh Rajput rose to fame by appearing on Zee TV's hit show, Pavitra Rishta alongside Ankita Lokhande. After the small screen, he also tried his hands into Bollywood by appearing almost in eleven films. However, June 14, 2020, was the worst day ever, as news of Sushant's death spread like wildfire online. The actor was 34 and died by suicide. This tragic news also led to #nepotisminbollywood trend on Twitter. Talking on the same lines, it is the Saaki Saaki girl, Koena Mitra who in a recent interview with TOI has slammed Bollywood for treating Sushant as an outsider. She also called out ace filmmaker Karan Johar in particular. RIP Sushant Singh Rajput: #BoycottBollywood Trends on Twitter as Netizens Slam Industry For Not Accepting the Late Actor.
Talking about how the industry wallahs treated Sushant, Koena said, "Sushant was such a bright guy, good looking actor and he succeeded with good films. Despite that, I read a statement that he was treated like an outsider, not invited to parties and weddings. A lot of people have experienced this, he is not the first one. The film industry will not treat you like family till the time your family doesn’t belong to the industry or if you are not a camp follower. It's pretty sad. He's not the first one and there are many such Sushants in our industry. "
Taking a straight dig at Karan Johar, Mitra expressed how Karan Johar should never be the deciding factor to who will work and who will not in Bollywood. "Karan Johar does not have the license of this industry. It is shown as if he presents or rejects something then it is the ultimate thing. But no, the industry is an ocean and we are tiny little drops in it. He is also a drop in it. No one can decide who works and who should be rejected," she said. Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide: Kangana Ranaut Blames Bollywood, Says 'It Was A Planned Murder' (Watch Video).
She did not stop there and ahead in the same conversation termed the industry people as fake. "After people are gone they will come out and do dramas, crocodile tears, write essays, beautiful stories. But till the time people are alive, their bread will be snatched," she added.
Sushant was found dead at his Bandra residence. The cause of his death is said to be asphyxia due to hanging, as per the postmortem reports. May his soul rest in peace. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 15, 2020 06:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website