Sushant Singh Rajput's untimely demise has left one and all deeply saddened. The actor was 34 and died due to suicide. However, after the sad news made it online, netizens slammed Bollywood biggies for being hypocrites and double standard people. In no time #Nepotism started trending on Twitter wherein Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt became the top target. Many Bollywood directors also called out other filmmakers for paying no heed to the crisis in an actor's life. Now, it's Kangana Ranaut who has expressed her grief over the tragic loss to the industry and also took a straight dig towards people from the fraternity who never acknowledged Sushant for his work. She also tagged the actor's death as a planned murder. Sushant Singh Rajput’s Death: Irrfan Khan’s Son Babil Mourns the Loss, Gives Out a Strong Message for Mental Health Management (View Post).
Kangana's team took to Instagram and shared a video where the actress can be seen exposing the propaganda by the industry. Without mincing words, Ranaut called out celebs who never praised the no more star for his debut film Kai Po Che or other films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Chhichhore. In short, her talk was all about how it’s imp to give talent their due. That's not it, as the Manikarnika actress also said how Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt's film, Gully Boy was lauded whereas Chhichhore was not. Sushant Singh Rajput Demise: Police To Ask For Rumoured Girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty's Statement.
Check Out The Video Below:
Ahead in the video, she also can be seen saying how in his last few posts Sushant hinted that he will be sooner thrown out of the industry as he has no godfather. Indeed, this might sound like a rant by Kangana, but it touches upon the areas which Bollywood has been ignoring since ages. May his soul rest in peace.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 15, 2020 04:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website