Shocked and saddened over the death of her 'Sonchiriya' co-actor Sushant Singh Rajput, actor Bhumi Pednekar on Monday penned down an emotional note condoling the demise of the versatile actor. The 'Saand Ki Aankh' actor put out a throwback picture on Instagram that featured Sushant and Bhumi sitting next to each other as they pose for the camera holding umbrellas. Nupur Sanon Slams Trolls and Haters Who Incessantly Demand Celeb Reactions Over Sushant Singh Rajput’s Demise (View Post)
Along with the post, Pednekar recalled the memories attached with the late actor and wrote, "Rest in Peace my friend...Shocked and Heartbroken...Still can't believe it...To star gazing and our endless going to spot you twinkling bright up there with the rest cause you are and will always be a star my dearest SSR." Sushant Singh Rajput Demise: Dharmendra Mourns the Loss of Chhichhore Actor, Tweets ‘This Beautiful Beloved Show Business Is Very Cruel’
Bhumi Pednekar Mourns the Loss of Her Sonchiriya Co-Star Sushant Singh Rajput
Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly killed self at his Mumbai residence by hanging. However, no suicide note has been recovered from Rajput's residence, as per the police and further investigation is underway.nThe untimely death of the versatile actor has sent shock waves among celebrities and his fans alike. Earlier actors including Anupam Kher, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt and others expressed grief over the demise of the actor.