Actor Sushant Singh Rajput left for heavenly abode on June 14, 2020. The actor died by suicide at his Bandra residence on Sunday. His body was discovered by his house help who informed the police. Apart from Sushant's uncles who claimed that there was foul play involved, a few other political leaders like Sanjay Nirupam and Akhil Deshmukh too tweeted about how they felt the actor's suicide had something to do with his professional life, problems and rivalry as well. The Mumbai Police soon began recording statements of all those near and dear, personally and professionally to Sushant including his doctor who was treating him for depression, his house helps, rumoured girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, Dil Bechara director Mukesh Chabra among others. Sushant Singh Rajput Death: Bandra Police Records Rumoured Girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty's Statement (View Pics).

Recently, Vikas Gupta, in his tribute post for Sushant, had revealed that Sushant had been offered the role of the other brother in Yash Raj Films' Aurangzeb, but he had turned it down. There were also reports of how big banners of Bollywood had started 'boycotting' Sushant and Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam went on to claim how Sushant was 'dropped from 7 huge banner films in a span of 6 months. RIP Sushant Singh Rajput: The Late Actor's Family Immerses His Ashes In River Ganga (View Pics).

And now, reports coming in state that with Mumbai Police wanting to probe professional rivalry angle too, they have written to Yash Raj Films to hand over copies of contracts that they signed with Sushant over the years, as per a report in ANI.

Actress Kangana Ranaut too had revealed how nepotism was one of the main reasons for Sushant not getting quality work in the industry. She had claimed that Ram Leela and Bajirao Mastani were two films that Sushant was considered for initially.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 18, 2020 11:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website