Shah Rukh Khan, Juhi Chawla and Sunny Deol's film, Darr is once again back in the news. The reason is their age old tiff that happened on the sets of this Yash Raj film. The two were at the peak of their careers but little did they know, that this milestone film would later on lead to creative differences between them. Recently, the Gadar actor opened up on what exactly happened and why have he not spoken to SRK for 16 years post that movie. After The Incredibles, Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan Reunite Once Again for The Lion King.

In the latest episode of Rajat Sharma-hosted talk show Aap Ki Adalat, the actor spoke about the incident. He was asked by host whether the cast and crew was scared of him on the sets. On which, he gave a cheeky reply saying, "I guess, they must be scared because they were wrong."

In another interaction, he gave elaborate explanation on the previous statement saying, "At the end of the day, people loved me in the film. They loved Shah Rukh Khan as well. My only issue with the film was that I did not know they would glorify the villain. I always work in films with an open heart and believe the person. I believe working with trust. Unfortunately, we have many actors and stars who don’t function in this manner. Maybe that’s the way they want to get their stardom."

The movie was indeed a turning point for SRK as his anti-hero image was loved by the fans to the core. His dialogue "K..K..K..Kiran" became a rage overnight. Also, songs like "Jaadu Teri Nazar" and "Tu Mere Saamne" were instant hits. It can be totally seen why Mr Deol was not much happy with the outcome of the film.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 17, 2019 04:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website