Sunil Pal left everyone worried after he went missing recently. The actor-comedian had gone to Haridwar to attend an event on December 2 and was kidnapped. Following this, his wife, Sarita Sunil Pal, lodged a complaint at the Santacruz Police Station. The kidnappers reportedly demanded a ransom of INR 20 lakh but released him after he paid them INR 7.5 lakh. According to the latest update in the case, the kidnappers used the ransom money to purchase costly jewellery at a store in Meerut. Sunil Pal Reveals Shocking Kidnapping Ordeal, Opens Up About INR 20 Lakh Ransom Demand.

Sunil Pal Kidnappers Buy Jewellery With Ransom Amount

In a recent update on the case, CCTV footage featuring the kidnappers has gone viral across social media platforms. The clip shows both individuals buying jewellery at a store in Meerut. The UP police went to the shop and learned that the abductors had shared the account details of the jewellers with Sunil Pal's friends. An officer from Santacruz Police Station said, "When the victim's wife approached us, it initially seemed like an online fraud. Based on the information she provided, we froze the bank account." Comedian Sunil Pal Found Safe After Being Reported Missing in Mumbai, Wife Sarita Sunil Pal Reveals He Spoke to Police.

Viral CCTV Footage Shows Sunil Pal’s Kidnapper’s Buying Jewellery in Meerut


Upon further investigation, it was found that the shop owners had no involvement in the kidnapping. Speaking about the kidnapping in an interview, Sunil Pal said it wasn't a PR stunt. Five to six people have been booked in the kidnapping case.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 10, 2024 06:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website