Suhana Khan often posts glamorous pictures and videos on Instagram and one just cannot take their eyes off from her. The star kid is often seen chilling with her cousin Alia Chhiba and whenever these two stunners come together for a picture or video, it sets the internet on fire. Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter has shared a boomerbang video on her Insta story to extend her heartfelt birthday wishes to her dearest cousin sister. Well, we must say, this post is just too hot to handle. Suhana Khan Slays In A Chic Furry White Co-Ords And Her Cousin Alia Chhiba Is ‘Obsessed’ With Her Look!
Suhana Khan and Alia Chibba are not just looking stunning, but the former can be seen flaunting her curves. Suhana has opted for floral crop top and teamed it with a pair of blue denims. She has kept her look simple yet chic. On the other hand, Alia can be seen dressed in a black outfit and matching accessory. Suhana captioned this post as, “Happy Birthday to my sisterrr @aliachhiba”. Suhana Khan’s Reaction To BFF Ananya Panday’s Bikini Pictures From Maldives Is A Must See!
Suhana’s Birthday Post For Alia
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These two pretty girls are not just giving some sibling goals but some major fashion goals as well. Suhana Khan and Alia Chibba are often seen partying together, attending events, family gatherings and so on. The two were seen having a fun time together in Dubai when the IPL 2020 was going on.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 17, 2021 09:21 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website