Chunky Panday's daughter Ananya Panday is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Dharma Productions' Student of the Year 2. The actress will star alongside Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria in this movie directed by Punit Malhotra. The good looking trio of actors is going to town promoting their upcoming release all over the country. One of their pit stops was a radio show where Ananay made a revelation. The host had asked Tiger what thing he does the better than others. To which he replied, "Main kis me best hoon?"
Tara mocked Tiger and turned his words into innuendo and said, "Main kiss me best hoon!" Ananya quickly replied that she can vouch for that. The host then asked Ananya if Tiger was her best kiss. "Mom, it was my first kiss ever and I have not kissed anyone else so I can't compare. It was the best first kiss ever," Ananya replied like a true desi child. Student of the Year 2 Song Mumbai Dilli Ki Kudiyaan: Tiger Shroff With Ananya Panday or With Tara Sutaria – Which Kiss Had More Heat?
Even before her first film could release, Ananya Pandey has a bagged her second one already. After Student of the Year 2, the actress will be seen in Pati Patni Aur Woh. The movie will feature her alongside Bhumi Pednekar and Kartik Aaryan.
In another interview, Ananya also revealed Tiger had scared her about becoming an actress. Ananay was 16-years-old when she met Tiger, whose first film Heropanti had just released. Ananya's mom had asked her to take advice from Tiger. "He then went on to tell me that if I wanted to be an actress, I couldn't eat ice-cream anymore and I'd have to wake up at 4 am to train. It was scary," the actress told Mumbai Mirror. We are certainly looking forward to this glamorous debut.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2019 10:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website