The most-awaited Indian film of 2021, 'Sooryavanshi' helmed by ace director Rohit Shetty, and starring Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh and Katrina Kaif, will be released worldwide on Friday, November 5. It has sparked off global curiosity ahead of its debut across continents as a result of the extended wait. With 66 countries and 1,300 screens worldwide, this film has the largest international distribution for an Indian film. Sooryavanshi Movie: Review, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Release Date – All You Need to Know About Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif’s Actioner!
Presented by Reliance Entertainment, the film is all set to establish extraordinary milestones in major global markets. In North America, 'Sooryavanshi' will be released on 520 screens in 490 locations. It will be shown on 137 screens in the UAE and 107 screens in Australia, marking a historic first. 'Sooryavanshi' has 158 locations across Europe where it will be released. The much-anticipated Hindi film will be shown on 29 screens in France, 36 in Germany, 20 in Spain and 19 in Italy. Israel, Japan, Chile, Egypt, Iraq and Djibouti are among the new non-traditional countries where the film will be released. Sooryavanshi Vs Eternals: Akshay Kumar’s Actioner To Clash With Marvel’s Superhero Film This Diwali!
Commenting on the release, producer-director Rohit Shetty said, "I have waited for a long time to release 'Sooryavanshi' on the big screen and it is heartening to get such a wide release across the world. I hope and pray the audience will enjoy watching it in the cinemas with family and friends this festive season." Produced by Rohit Shetty Picturez in association with Dharma Productions and Cape of Good Films, and presented by Reliance Entertainment, 'Sooryavanshi' is being released worldwide November 5.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 04, 2021 06:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website