Actor Sonu Sood has started a new mission to ensure that students who are unable to attend online classes due to inaccessibility to smartphones, get education without roadblocks. Sonu had earlier shared a post on Instagram about his 'new mission'. When asked, he told IANS, "I have realised during lockdown that a lot of people missed their online classes because they didn't have smartphones or unable to join those classes. Sonu Sood Says He Feels Blessed To Help So Many People In 2020 That Was A Tough Year

I am introducing a platform where those who don't have phones will have options. No one should miss education. We will bring together these people and give them smartphones." Sonu had earlier too distributed almost 100 smartphones to students for educational purposes. "During Covid we distributed almost 100 phones in some parts of Punjab, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Mumbai," he shares and adds, Kisaan: Sonu Sood’s New Film as a Lead Launched Amid Ongoing Farmers’ Protest

Check Out Sonu Sood's Instagram Post Below:


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"The idea is to save their careers and the parents shouldn't feel embarrassed that their children cannot have classes because they can't afford it and the kids should not complain that their parents are unable to get those classes because of those smartphones." Sonu Sood was hailed as the national hero during the lockdown for arranging transportation for migrants to go back to their hometowns.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 11, 2021 05:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website