Mumbai, Jul 22 (PTI) Actor Sonu Sood on Wednesday launched an app to offer support to workers in finding right job opportunities in various sectors across the country. Sood, who catapulted to the national spotlight for his work in helping migrants reach their homes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, has come out with a free of cost online platform called 'Pravasi Rojgar', which will provide all the necessary information and right linkages to find jobs. The 47-year-old actor said while arranging travel for the migrants, their conversations would often revolve around how they were looking for the right work opportunity amid the pandemic. Sonu Sood Arranges Charter Flight for Indian Students Stranded in Kyrgyzstan amid COVID-19 Pandemic (Read Tweet).
"Lot of thinking, planning and preparation have gone into designing this initiative over the last few months, in order to ensure that it is holistic and builds on the work already being done in the country. Extensive consultations have been held with top organisations that are involved at the grassroots level in skilling and placing the youth below the poverty line, NGOs, philanthropic organisations, government functionaries, strategy consultants, technology start ups and above all the returned migrants whom I have helped," Sood said in a statement. Sonu Sood to Write a Book on His Experience of Helping Migrant Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic.
Check Out This Tweet Below:
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) July 22, 2020
The initiative will be supported by community outreach in the villages to find the right employment opportunities for migrant workers in different parts of the country. According to the release, the online platform has over 500 reputed companies related to construction, apparel, healthcare, engineering, BPOs, security, automobile, e-commerce and logistics sectors, offering job opportunities. 'Pravasi Rojgar' will also be offering specific job training programmes like spoken English. A 24x7 helpline has been set up in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad and Thiruvananthapuram. Kudos to Sonu Sood!