Bollywood actor Sonu Sood who plays the role of villain in films has turned into a messiah of sorts for many people amid the pandemic. Right from helping migrants reach their home safe and sound, providing financial aid to even sending a tractor to a farmer's family, he has proved that humanity still exists. Earlier, a thread by a journalist named Krishnamurthy addressed how the villagers of Vizianagaram district, Andhra Pradesh pooled Rs 20 lakh to build a road to access the village on a hilltop. Now, the same kacha road work is almost complete and the villagaers have given tribute to Sonu by putting up his posters on the hilly region. And well, the actor is happy to see this. Sonu Sood on 'New Mission': After Facilitating Return of Migrants, Actor to Help Repatriate Indian Students From Georgia.
It so happened that the Twitter user shared a clip highlighting the construction work in progress of the road and well Sood was quick to response with a wow. "With the kaccha road works almost complete, tribals in Kodama panchayat put up posters of @SonuSood at different points to thank him for the recognition," the post re. Sonu Sood Tweets and Later Deletes Satish Acharya's Cartoon on PM Modi and Unemployment Crisis After Troll Attack; Cartoonist Says Actor Deserves Better.
Check Out Sonu Sood's Tweet Below:
This is wowwwww❤️🙏🙏
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) August 27, 2020
Indeed, now we know from where the villagers have been getting all the spirit to be self-dependent and build a pakka road. Sonu Sood is surely a superhero who has been blessed by the almighty to perform good deeds amid such tough times and help the mankind. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 27, 2020 04:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website