Bollywood actor, philanthropist and humanitarian Sonu Sood has lent his support to help those in the flood-hit regions in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. On Wednesday, Sonu took to Instagram, where he expressed his concern for the victims and emphasised on the importance of collective action in times of crisis. The actor's relief initiative includes essential supplies such as food, clean water, medical kits, and temporary shelter for the affected individuals. Allu Arjun and Chiranjeevi Support Flood Relief Operations With Major Donations for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

In the video, he is heard saying: “Due to the floods, many have lost their homes and livelihood. They have nothing to eat or even have a home. So, we all have to come together to save them and normalise their lives. We are trying to send as much help as we can."

Sonu Sood Provides Essential Aid to Flood-Hit Regions


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The actor went on and thanked the Telangana government, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu, Andhra Pradesh Government and the NDRF team for trying to normalise the life of the people in the flood-stricken areas.

He captioned it: “As Andhra and Telangana battle devastating floods, we stand with those in need. Reach us at #AndhraFloods #Telangana Floods @ncbn.official @revanthofficial.”

For the flood-hit states, Tollywood megastar Chiranjeevi on Wednesday announced Rs 50 lakh each for flood relief.

The actor announced the donation of Rs 50 lakh each for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Chief Minister Relief Fund.

Taking to social media platform X, he posted that he was pained over the loss of lives and the hardships caused to people due to floods in the Telugu states. Jr NTR Contributes INR 1 Crore for Flood Relief Efforts in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

"We all need to be involved in relief efforts in some way. As part of this, I am announcing my contribution of one crore rupees (50 lakhs each to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana CM Relief Fund) to help in providing relief to the people in both the states,” he said and prayed for an end to the misery.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 04, 2024 04:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website