While the Bollywood music industry is currently busy taking sides, deciding to extend their support to either Sonu Nigam or Bhushan Kumar, Sona Mohapatra prefers staying aloof. While she insists the industry doesn't recognise new and deserving talents, she's also not willing to back Nigam's claims for his hypocrisy. Sona, who continues to voice her anger against the #MeToo accused in India has slammed Sonu Nigam for supporting Anu Malik earlier. Divya Khosla Kumar Quoting Bhagavad Gita in Her Video Slamming Sonu Nigam Invites Trolls; Twitterati Gives Cook Sheru The Best Supporting Actor Of The Year Award (View Tweets).

Anu Malik was among the many powerful names who was accused of #MeToo allegations. While his controversy had cooled down with time, Sonu Nigam was among his many supporters. And while she always slammed the singer for supporting the #MeToo accused, his recent revelation about being in possession of a certain Marina Kuwar video has upset her further. The singer took to her Twitter account to slam the singer for intentionally withholding evidence against the said accused. Sonu Nigam Threatens Bhushan Kumar That He'll Expose Marina Kuwar Video, Netizens React! (Read Tweets).

Check Out her Thread

Sona Slamming Sony

Sona However Agrees to the Lack of Variety in the Indian Music Field

While Highlighting How a New Talent in Strangled in the Industry

She Has Also Asked Veteran Singers Like Sonu to Back New Talents

Not To Forget the Gender Disparity

T Series' head honcho, Bhushan Kumar's wife, Divya Khosla Kumar has meanwhile waged verbal war against Sonu Nigam for targeting her husband. She tagged him as thankless in her long Instagram video but was trolled by netizens later.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2020 01:58 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).