Actress Shraddha Kapoor says as a celebrity she feels responsible to express her voice on issues that are close to her heart including animal cruelty. "I think for me, when it comes to voicing my opinion, I only do it for the cause or issue that is close to my heart. I genuinely feel about animal welfare, I hold it strongly against animal cruelty," Shraddha told IANS. "When the new rule came on, punishing the offender with Rs 75,000 and five years of jail, I supported that. I turned vegetarian because internally that realisation happened to me, and that is also a way to change my lifestyle while standing against animal cruelty," she continued. Sonu Sood Urges Everyone to Keep Animals Off Our Plates, Says ‘There’s Nothing More Attractive than Kindness’

"I am also against deforestation and that was the reason even in the rain, I was standing and supporting save the Aarey campaign. On that front too, a positive result came that we see. So yes, as an artiste I do express my opinion on issues, when I feel strongly about them and I have sound knowledge on them," she declared. John Abraham, PETA India’s Person of the Year 2020 Feels Living in Harmony with Birds, Animals Makes Us Better Humans

Last year Shraddha was among Bollywood celebrities along with Dia Mirza and Swara Bhaskar who supported the campaign #SaveAarey and also welcomed the decision of the state government on the announcment of relocation of the Metro rail shed from Aarey colony to Kanjurmarg.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 10, 2021 05:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website